Friday, March 6, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Friday, March 06, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.12 Describe iterative programming structures (e.g., while, do/while) and how they are used in programming.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test a program that will solve slope-intercept equations.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will begin working on the CyberSecurity Group Presentation project today.

Open your DCPS e-mail and accept the next programming assignment for GitHub Classroom: Slope-Intercept Equation Solver.

  1. Click the link in the e-mail.
  2. Login to your GitHub account.
  3. Accept the assignment to create your repositories.
  4. Use the GitHub app to clone it to your computer.

Begin working on Will It Blend #00.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Students have completed those assignment will play World of Goo today in class. After you have played the game please complete the Let's Play Survey: World of Goo.

Once you have played World of Goo please start on Audio Challenge #02: Super: Hero or Villain?

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Thursday, March 05, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will begin working on the CyberSecurity Group Presentation project today.

Open your DCPS e-mail and accept the next programming assignment for GitHub Classroom: Slope-Intercept Equation Solver.

  1. Click the link in the e-mail.
  2. Login to your GitHub account.
  3. Accept the assignment to create your repositories.
  4. Use the GitHub app to clone it to your computer.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Students have completed those assignment will play World of Goo today in class. After you have played the game please complete the Let's Play Survey: World of Goo.

Once you have played World of Goo please start on Audio Challenge #02: Super: Hero or Villain?

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will begin working on the CyberSecurity Group Presentation project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Students have completed those assignment will play World of Goo today in class. After you have played the game please complete the Let's Play Survey: World of Goo.

Once you have played World of Goo please start on Audio Challenge #02: Super: Hero or Villain?

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will work in small groups to complete the Space Travel Calculator project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Students have completed those assignment will play World of Goo today in class. After you have played the game please complete the Let's Play Survey: World of Goo.

Once you have played World of Goo please start on Audio Challenge #02: Super: Hero or Villain?

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Monday, March 2, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Monday, March 02, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will work in small groups to complete the Space Travel Calculator project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Students have completed those assignment will play World of Goo today in class. After you have played the game please complete the Let's Play Survey: World of Goo.

Once you have played World of Goo please start on Audio Challenge #02: Super: Hero or Villain?

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

[Assignment] Audio Challenge #02: Super: Hero or Villain?


For this audio challenge you will take on the role of a Super Hero or Super Villain. You have taken over control of Earth's broadcast systems. You will have 30-60 seconds to tell all of the people of the Earth how you plan as either the hero or villain of the story.

You recordings should be fun in nature. Please do not discuss graphic violence in your project. Even if you are a villain, please do not be offensive or derogatory.

Content Rubric

  1. Introduce yourself using your Super Hero/Villain name. [5 Points]
  2. Explain your plan to as either hero or villain. [5 Points]
  3. Uses at least two different effects in your project. [2.5 Points Each / 5 Total]
  4. Metadata is completed:
    • Artist Name: Your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL. [3.33 Points]
    • Track Title: Super Hero or Super Villain [3.33 Points]
    • Year: 2020 [3.33 Points]

Process Rubric

  1. File name is lastname_firstname_audio_challenge2 [5 Points]
  2. File type is MPEG Layer-3 (.mp3) [5 Points]
  3. File is submitted to Focus by 03/06/2020 at 11:59PM. [20 Points]

Friday, February 28, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Friday, February 28, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will work in small groups to complete the Space Travel Calculator project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #05: FaceSwap!

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Thursday, 02/27/20

Clock-In PIN

No PIN today.

Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will work in small groups to complete the Space Travel Calculator project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #05: FaceSwap!

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will work in small groups to complete the Space Travel Calculator project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #05: FaceSwap!

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Monday, February 24, 2020

[Daily Agenda] February 24, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will work in small groups to complete the Space Travel Calculator project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #05: FaceSwap!

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Thursday, February 20, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will worrk in small groups to complete the Space Travel Calculator project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #05: FaceSwap!

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Wednesday, February 19, 2020 [Progress Report E-mail Today!]

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will worrk in small groups to complete the Space Travel Calculator project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #05: FaceSwap!

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will worrk in small groups to complete the Space Travel Calculator project today.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Finish working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #05: FaceSwap!

Begin working on Audio Challenge #00: Poetry or Prose.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

[Digital Art] Photoshop Battle #05: Face Swap!


Face swaps are a popular use of digital graphics software. For this assignment, you will use to create a face swap. STUDENTS CANNOT USE PHONE/TABLET APPS OR WEBSITES TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT.

Content Rubric

  1. First Name, Last Initial ONLY in bottom right corner. [10 Points]
  2. Demonstrates time and effort to create a high quality face swap image. [30 Points]

Process Rubric

  1. File Name: lastname_firstname_photoshop_battle05 [10 Points]
  2. File Format: Portable Network Graphics (.png) [10 Points]
  3. Original images + student image submitted in .zip file (compressed folder) [20 Points]
    • .zip file must use lastname_firstname_photoshop_battle05 as file name.
  4. Submitted to Focus by 02/24/20 at 11:59PM. [25 Points]


  1. The "Feather Object" plug-in will help.
  2. The Smudge Tool will help.
  3. Adjust Hue/Saturation to get skin tones to match.
  4. The more similar the original images in pose, color, etc. the easier your face swap will be.

YouTube Tutorials

Previous Student Top 8 Projects

Example #00 Example #01 Example #02 Example #03

Monday, February 17, 2020

[Audio] Audacity Project #00: Poetry or Prose


Creating audio projects is another useful function computers can perform. They allow users to record, edit, and playback various types of audio files. Most of these tasks can be performed quickly and easily with different input devices, software, and output devices. In class, we will use microphones and the Audacity software for our first project.

Students will record themselves reciting their favorite piece of poetry or prose. It can be the work of another author or written by the student.

Content Rubric

  1. Student recites and records a work of poetry or prose. [10 Points]
  2. Recording is at least 30 seconds but less than than 600 seconds. [25 Points]
  3. Metadata is completed:
    • Artist Name: Your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL. [5 Points]
    • Track Title: The name of the poem or prose piece. [5 Points]
    • Year: 2020 [5 Points]

Process Rubric

  1. File name is lastname_firstname_audio_challenge00 [10 Points]
  2. File type is Ogg Vorbis (.ogg) or MPEG Layer-3 (.mp3) [10 Points]
  3. File is submitted to Focus by 02/28/20200 at 11:59PM. [25 Points]


Friday, February 14, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Friday, February 14, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Check out the Top 8 for Photoshop Battle #02: Birds with Arms

  1. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 1st period.
  2. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 2nd period.
  3. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 3rd period.
  4. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 4th period.
  5. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 6th period.
  6. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 7th period.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Begin working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #04: (Anti-) Valentine's Day Card It is due Friday, February 14 by 11:59PM.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Thursday, February 13, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Check out the Top 8 for Photoshop Battle #02: Birds with Arms

  1. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 1st period.
  2. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 2nd period.
  3. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 3rd period.
  4. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 4th period.
  5. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 6th period.
  6. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 7th period.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Begin working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #04: (Anti-) Valentine's Day Card It is due Friday, February 14 by 11:59PM.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Check out the Top 8 for Photoshop Battle #02: Birds with Arms

  1. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 1st period.
  2. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 2nd period.
  3. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 3rd period.
  4. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 4th period.
  5. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 6th period.
  6. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 7th period.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Begin working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #04: (Anti-) Valentine's Day Card It is due Friday, February 14 by 11:59PM.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Check out the Top 8 for Photoshop Battle #02: Birds with Arms

  1. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 1st period.
  2. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 2nd period.
  3. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 3rd period.
  4. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 4th period.
  5. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 6th period.
  6. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 7th period.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Begin working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #04: (Anti-) Valentine's Day Card It is due Friday, February 14 by 11:59PM.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Monday, February 10, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Monday, February 10, 2020

Clock-In PIN


Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Check out the Top 8 for Photoshop Battle #02: Birds with Arms

  1. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 1st period.
  2. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 2nd period.
  3. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 3rd period.
  4. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 4th period.
  5. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 6th period.
  6. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 7th period.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Begin working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Begin working on Photoshop Battle #04: (Anti-) Valentine's Day Card It is due Friday, February 14 by 11:59PM.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.

Friday, February 7, 2020

[Daily Agenda] Friday, February 07, 2020

Clock-In Question

Starting today, you will need to answer a question to get the PIN code for today's clock-in assignment. You are allowed to search the Internet for the answer. Copy the just the PIN code [no brackets] from the correct answer and paste it into Focus to access the clock-in.

Which of the following is the correct formula to calculate the slope of a line?

  1. a = b + c[00101011]
  2. E = mc^2 [11010101]
  3. K = 1/2mv^2 [11010101]
  4. y = mx + b [11100010]
  5. F = m * a [11100111]

Starting Friday, November 22, 2019 the new clock-in times will be as follows:

  • 1st Period: 9:20am -- 9:33am
  • 2nd Period: 10:16am -- 10:25am
  • 3rd Period: 11:51am -- 11:58am
  • 4th Period: 12:50pm -- 12:57pm
  • 6th Period: 2:30pm -- 2:39pm
  • 7th Period: 3:20pm -- 3:28pm
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the computer you must tell me immediately. If you miss the clock-in it is too late. If you are late and miss the clock-in you will not be excused without a written pass.

If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. 7.13 Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.


Selection Programming Structures


Students will write and test and if/else statement for the Space Travel Calculator assignment.

Essential Questions

  1. How do if/else statements control program flow?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Check out the Top 8 for Photoshop Battle #02: Birds with Arms

  1. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 1st period.
  2. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 2nd period.
  3. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 3rd period.
  4. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 4th period.
  5. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 6th period.
  6. Top 8: Photoshop Battle #02 for 7th period.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Begin working on the uCertify "Web Design Essentials" practice questions. Student progress is updated in Focus starting Monday, January 20 after 4:30PM. After 4:30PM on each following Mondaay your grade will be updated by the end of that week. It must be finished by 02/03/20 for full credit.

Begin working on the Space Travel Python programming assignment. Please click here for the tutorial videos. It is due February 14, 2020.

Students that have completed uCertify Web Design Essentials AND the Space Travel Calculator through version 0.5 can begin working on Photoshop Battle #03: Movie Poster.

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.