Tuesday, August 21, 2018

[In Your Journal] Vocab-Shmocab #01: Computer Components

The following vocabulary terms are the most common components found in modern computers. Please copy and define the following information into your journal. You are allowed to abbreviate as necessary.

  1. If you are given the VOCABULARY TERM you must find the DEFINITION.
  2. If you are given the DEFINITION you must find the VOCABULARY TERM.
Some definitions can be found here and here. The other definitions will require effort on your part to find.

Vocabulary Terms

  1. motherboard:
  2. ___: the main processor of the computer, controls all functions of the computer.
  3. RAM:
  4. ___: write protected memory that usually contains instructions for starting the computer.
  5. hard drive:
  6. optical drive:
  7. input device:
  8. output device:
  9. _____ ______: supplies and regulates the electricity for the computer.
  10. computer case:

Content Rubric

  • Each completed vocabulary term and definition is worth 1 point.

Process Rubric

  • These vocabulary terms are due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, August 29, 2018.