Friday, March 2, 2018

[Policy Update] 3rd Quarter Grades

Important Information

Students that finish the 3rd quarter with a D or F due to one or more missing/incomplete assignments will lose computer access during the 4th quarter. Those students will be given alternative assignments to demonstrate an understanding of the standards covered by missing/incomplete assignments. Students will not be allowed to use the computers during class time until these assignments have been completed.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

[Coding] Candy Coding Activity

Source Code

Please click here to access the code for this activity.

  1. Download it to your computer.
  2. Open it with Visual Studio Code or Notepad++.
  3. Read through it at least once.
  4. Start thinking about what the code is doing.

Students will work in small groups to complete the activity after lunch.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

[Daily Agenda] February 28, 2018


Conditional Statements, Loops, and Variables

Essential Questions

  1. What is the difference between a while loop and a for loop?
  2. How do variables in JavaScript store data?
  3. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Prep Work [5-10 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView.
  2. Read your DCPS e-mail.
  3. Race three races on NitroType.
  4. Follow any additional instructions from the teacher.

Instruction [10-20 Minutes]

Students will discuss and complete the Candy Coding activity in class.

  • Students will work in groups of four to complete this activity.
  • The teacher will explain how to start the activity.
  • Students will then work independently to complete it.

Work [45-60 Minutes]

Finish Space Travel Calculator. It is now two class periods late.

Complete the Using Loops programming activity. It is now one class period late.

Begin working on Challenge Accepted 2017-18.

Break Down [5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.

Homework to Increase Student Learning

Continue working on any Cornell Notes assignments that are due.

[Daily Agenda] Tuesday, February 27, 2018



Essential Questions

  1. What is the difference between a while loop and a for loop?
  2. What are some of the important features that make a game fun to play?
  3. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Prep Work [5-10 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView.
  2. Read your DCPS e-mail.
  3. Race three races on NitroType.
  4. Follow any additional instructions from the teacher.

Instruction [10-20 Minutes]

Students will discuss the Challenge Accepted 2017-18 assignment.

Work [45-60 Minutes]

Finish Space Travel Calculator. It is now two class periods late.

Complete the Using Loops programming activity.

Complete Let's Play: Quake III Arena.

Continue working on the Game Design project.

Break Down [5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.

Homework to Increase Student Learning

Continue working on any Cornell Notes assignments that are due.

Monday, February 26, 2018

[Assignment] Challenge Accepted 2017-18 Edition


The challenge grade allows students to choose from various topics to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Challenges award points based on their difficulty. Students can complete any challenges they want in any order they choose.

  • May 25, 2018 is the last day to complete challenges.

The list of challenges is listed in this blog post. Please check this post on a regular basis for updates.

Challenge Points

  1. Point Maximum: 5,000 Points
  2. Minimum Passing Score: 3,500 Points
You MAY earn more than 5,000 points by completing enough challenges. These additional points can be retroactively added to previous quarter grades.

Challenge Log Setup

You will need your journal to keep track of your challenges. Please look at the picture below for an example. Your challenge log should look like this!

Networking Challenges

  • Determine your IP address and geolocation information. [25 Points] [New attempts only.]
  • Determine the WHOIS for the domain and identify the Registrant Name. [25 Points] [New attempts only.]
  • Complete the notes from the Intro. to Networking PowerPoint. [100 Points]

Gaming Challenges [No cheats or hacks allowed.]

Gaming Challenges can only be completed if you have no zero grades on classwork, homework, and projects. If you are currently missing an assignment, it can be completed for 25% credit at any time. Late work must be submitted via e-mail.

  • Race Mr. Kelley in NitroType. [50 Points]
  • Beat Mr. Kelley in NitroType. [100 Points]
  • Build a working roller coaster in Roller Coaster Tycoon: Deluxe. [Game Desktop] [25 Points]
  • Successfully complete Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition. [Game Desktop] [75 Points]
  • Successfully complete The Dig. [Game Desktop] [75 Points]
  • Score 1,000 points or more in Atomix. [Linux Only] [25 Points]
  • Complete missions 1-5 in Astromenace. [Linux Only] [25 Points]
  • Win a game of Armagetron 3D vs. the CPU. [Linux Only] [25 Points]
  • Create a playable, high-quality Doom or Doom 2 single player map. [200 Points]
  • Create a playable, high-quality StarCraft multiplayer map that supports at least 4 players. [200 Points]
  • Create a playable, high-quality Quake III multiplayer map. [300 Points]
  • [New] Reach level 31 with your character on ictMUD. [200 Points]
  • [New] Create a new zone for the ictMUD. Zone should contain the following:
    • At least 20 unique ROOMS.
    • At least 5 new MOBS.
    • At least 5 new ITEMS.
    [200 Points]
  • Successfully complete the Game Design Project. [Rubric coming soon.] [4,000 Points]
  • Win the ICT 2017-18 Quake III 1v1 Tournament. MAY REQUIRE BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL TIME. Tournament will take place in May. [500 Points]
  • Win the ICT 2017-18 StarCraft 1v1 Tournament. MAY REQUIRE BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL TIME. Tournament will take place in May. [500 Points]

Web Design Challenges

  • You have decided to run for President of the United States of America. Design and develop a campaign website for your run for President. Your website design should include the following:
    • The year in which you are running for President. The Constitution states you must be at least 35 years old to run for President. Presidential elections are every four years. Figure out what the first election is after you are at least 35 years old.
    • A logo for the political party that you will represent.
    • A Presidential picture of yourself.
    • At least three campaign issues that you will address such as taxes, crime, or foreign policy.
  • Your website development should include the following:
    • Proper use of HTML5.
    • Advanced development skills such as , clickable images, lists, et.
    • Use of CSS to implement contrast, use of color, and font selection.
    • JavaScript for interaction with the viewer.
    [1,000 Points]
  • Update the My Favorite Noun Project
    • Fix any errors with the My Favorite Noun Project you have submitted such as broken links, incorrect code, missing pictures, or non-working CSS.
    • Add any additional information you think will make your webpage stand-out as a high quality example of web design.
    • If you feel that the project you already submitted is a high quality example please discuss it with me. If we can agree, you will receive the 250 points.
    [250 Points]

Hardware Challenges

  • Successfully install and then remove a DIMM. [25 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Successfully install and then remove a CD or DVD drive. [25 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Successfully install and then remove a power supply unit. [25 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Successfully install and then remove an expansion card. [25 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Successfully install and then remove a CPU. [25 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Make a working Cat5 network cable using the TIA 568B specification. [150 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Successfully burn a CD-R of data files. One CD-R per student will be provided free of charge. [25 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]

Writing / Desktop Publishing Challenges

  • Write an original short story of at least 10 paragraphs. Your short story should include the following:
    1. Introduction
    2. Rising Action
    3. Climax
    4. Falling Action
    5. Resolution / Denouement
  • A well written, original story is worth 100 points.
  • Use the file name: lastname_firstname_challenge_story.doc

Video / Image Editing Challenges

  1. Go Super-Saiyan! [500 Points]
  2. Create a Tutorial Video [500 Points]
  3. Become a Vexillolographer! [100 Points]
  4. Time Travel Challenge [200 Points]

Software Challenges

  • Successfully install an OS (operating system). [150 Points]
  • Successfully configure a computer with dual-booting OS software. [150 Points]

3D Modeling Challenges

Coding Challenges

  • Complete the CodeAcademy Python course. [400 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Complete the CodeAcademy JavaScript course. [250 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Complete the CodeAcademy Learn the Command Line course. [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Complete the CodeAcademy Ruby course. [250 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Complete the CodeAcademy Learn Git course. [250 Points] [NEW ATTEMPTS ONLY.]
  • Complete the CodeAcademy PHP course. [100 Points]
  • Complete the Angular JS course. [300 Points]
  • Complete the React JS Part I course. [300 Points]
  • Complete the React JS Part II course. [300 Points]
  • Complete the JQuery course. [300 Points]

Audio Challenges

  • Use Noteflight to create an original song of at least 10 measures. [100 Points]
  • Complete the Making Music with Linux Challenge. [500 Points]
  • Use Audacity to record and edit a 30-second radio commercial. The commercial should contain the following:
    1. Name of product, company, or service. Who or what is it?
    2. Purpose of product or service. What does it do or why do I want it?
    3. How much does it cost?
    4. File Name: lastname_firstname_radio_commercial
    5. File Format: Wave Audio (.wav)
    The commercial challenge is worth [100 points]. You may work with a partner for [50 Points] each.
  • Perform at least three high-quality impressions of famous celebrities, politicians, or historical figures. [75 Points]
    1. Each impression must be at least 10 seconds in length.
    2. Impressions should be recorded using Audacity.
    3. File name: lastname_firstname_impressions
    4. File Type: Wave Audio (.wav)

Miscellaneous Challenges

  1. Complete 60 Second Speech #04.
  2. Pass the CIW Internet Business Associate Exam. Must have teacher approval to take the exam. [4,000 Points]
  3. Create an Emergency Response Kit with your family. You need to do the following:
    • Create an Excel Spreadsheet that lists all of the items such as food, water, and other supplies.
    • Create a Microsoft Word Document that lists important emergency information such as an evacuation plan or safe meeting place. DO NOT INCLUDE PERSONAL INFORMATION SUCH AS SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS OR PASSWORDS IN THE DOCUMENT YOU SUBMIT TO ME.
    • Take a photo of you (and your family) with the emergency response kit.
    • Put all of those files into a compressed folder (.zip file) with the filename: lastname_firstname_emergency and upload it to Focus.
    [500 Points]
  4. Successfully participate in the Novel Study group for one of the following two books:
    1. 1984 by George Orwell. This a dystopian novel, originally published in 1949, that describes a world in which the government controls every aspect of your lives. Citizens are expected to think and act exactly as told. Winston Smith wants to know what the real history is from before the Revolution.
    2. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Set in the distant future, the Earth is attacked by an alien race. Andrew "Ender" Wiggin is a third, an exception to Earth's two-child policy. Can he help save the Earth?
  5. [500 Points] [Choose only one.]

[Daily Agenda] Monday, February 26, 2018



Essential Questions

  1. What is the difference between a while loop and a for loop?
  2. What are some of the important features that make a game fun to play?
  3. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Prep Work [5-10 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView.
  2. Read your DCPS e-mail.
  3. Race three races on NitroType.
  4. Follow any additional instructions from the teacher.

Instruction [10-20 Minutes]

Students will discuss the Challenge Accepted 2017-18 assignment.

Work [45-60 Minutes]

Finish Space Travel Calculator. It is now two class periods late.

Complete the Using Loops programming activity.

Complete Let's Play: Quake III Arena.

Continue working on the Game Design project.

Break Down [5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.

Homework to Increase Student Learning

Continue working on any Cornell Notes assignments that are due.

[Challenge] 3D Modeling with Blender

  • Create a 60 second animation using Blender that contains the following:
    1. Minimum Resolution: 1024 x 768.
    2. Framerate: 24 Frames Per Second
    3. At least one, FULLY-RIGGED, TEXTURED "characters".
    4. Uses at least two different camera angles / shots.
    5. Uses at least one sound effect (speaker).
    6. File Name: lastname_firstname_blender_challenge
    7. Video is exported as .avi or .mp4 file format.
  • The Blender animation is worth [500 Points].
  • Create a low-poly scene using Blender. See this page for an example.
    1. File name: lastname_firstname_low_poly
    2. File Format: .blend
    The low-poly scene is worth [100 Points].