Thursday, April 20, 2017

[In Your Journal] Quote of the Week #1: Earth Day


April 22 is recognized around the world as Earth Day. It is a chance to give recognition to the environmental issues humanity faces. It also allows for people to develop an understanding an appreciation of nature. It also provides an opportunity to think about YOUR impact in the world.

Please COPY the following quote into your journal. Then carefully read the quote. After you have read the quote, read it again. After you have done that, please answer the questions that follow.

Quote of the Week #1

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” —Jane Goodall


  1. Describe one way in which you make a positive impact on the world each day.
  2. Describe one way in which you make a negative impact on the world each day.
  3. Describe what you could do to reduce your negative impact.
  4. Explain why Jane Goodall is famous. Use a search engine if necessary.

Time for Completion: [20 Minutes]

Students that are present but do not complete this assignment will lose 30 minutes of computer access during the next class period while they make-up the assignment.

Students that do not submit the assignment on time will also receive a 50%-credit reduction when they complete the assignment.