Friday, September 1, 2017

[Daily Agenda] Friday, September 01, 2017


Microsoft PowerPoint

Essential Questions

  1. What are the characteristics of an effective PowerPoint presentation?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Prep Work [5-10 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView.
  2. Read your DCPS e-mail.
  3. Race three races on NitroType.
  4. Follow any additional instructions from the teacher.

Today you should:
  1. Review the directions for 60 Second Speech #1: Career Day.

Instruction [10-20 Minutes]

Students will learn how to complete the TACO Tuesday assignment. THE PROCEDURE FOR TACO TUESDAY IS CHANGING.

Students will need to create and/or login to their account.

Work [45-60 Minutes]

Finish working on the Student Introduction PowerPoint It is due Friday, Sept. 01 by 11:59PM.

Begin working on CodeAcademy: Learn Git.

Complete TACO Tuesday assignment.

Begin working on Draw Something #20.

Begin working on 60 Second Speech #1: Career Day.

Break Down [5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.

Homework to Increase Student Learning

Continue working on any Cornell Notes assignments that are due.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

[Daily Agenda] Thursday, August 31, 2017


Microsoft PowerPoint

Essential Questions

  1. What are the characteristics of an effective PowerPoint presentation?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Prep Work [5-10 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView.
  2. Read your DCPS e-mail.
  3. Race three races on NitroType.
  4. Follow any additional instructions from the teacher.

Today you should:
  1. Review the directions for 60 Second Speech #1: Career Day.

Instruction [10-20 Minutes]

Students will learn how to complete the TACO Tuesday assignment. THE PROCEDURE FOR TACO TUESDAY IS CHANGING.

Students will need to create and/or login to their account.

Work [45-60 Minutes]

Finish working on the Student Introduction PowerPoint It is due Friday, Sept. 01 by 11:59PM.

Begin working on CodeAcademy: Learn Git.

Complete TACO Tuesday assignment.

Begin working on Draw Something #20.

Begin working on 60 Second Speech #1: Career Day.

Break Down [5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.

Homework to Increase Student Learning

Continue working on any Cornell Notes assignments that are due.

[Assignment] 60 Second Speech #1: Career Day

Background Info.

Public speaking is an extremely important skill. Whether you are interviewing for a job or delivering a presentation in front a jury it is important to speak well. The 60 Second Speech assignments will prepare you for those situations.


For the first 60 Second Speech, imagine it is 20 years into the future. The year is 2037. Most of you will be in your early 30's. Think about the career you want to have at that point. You will need to conduct some research about that job and prepare a short presentation based on that job. You will pretend as though you are delivering your speech to a group of middle school students on Career Day.

Research Info.

Students will research some information about their desired career. Students will need to use the Bureau of Labor Statistics website for some of their research. For this presentation students must identify and describe the following:

  1. Typical Entry Level Education and/or On-the-job Training
  2. What that career does.
  3. Salary and benefits of that career.
  4. Role of technology in that career.

For Example:

  1. Mechanical Engineers require at least a 4-year college degree.
  2. Mechanical engineers research, design, develop, build, and test mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines.
  3. The average annual salary for a mechanical engineer is $83,590. Many mechanical engineers also receive health, dental, and vision insurance. Some engineering firms also offer retirement plans, vacation hours, and sick leave. Some also provide flexible working hours or the ability to work from home via a computer.
  4. Computers are used to help create almost all of the designs a mechanical engineer would make. Some mechanical engineers can also work from home using a computer. Technology such as X-rays and sonar can also be used to test designs for safety issues.

Writing the Speech

Using this information you will need to plan and write a speech that should take 60 seconds to present. Usually, five to seven paragraphs is required to discuss all of the required information. When planning and writing your speech please make sure that you:

  1. Introduce yourself to the audience.
  2. Tell the audience what your topic is.
  3. Discuss and explain the required information that you found while researching.
  4. Thank the audience at the end.

You are required to have a hard-copy of your speech when you present. You can either print it out OR write it down on index cards.

Example Speech:

"Hello, my name is Daryl and I'm going tell you a little bit about being a mechanical engineer.

I knew I wanted to be a mechanical engineer after my uncle bought me my first LEGO set. I was addicted to building things and taking them apart. I went to Georgia Tech and earned a 4-year degree in mechanical engineering. I had to study many math and science classes to graduate. I was lucky enough to find a job in Atlanta working at the Grimes Engineering Firm.

At the Grimes Engineering Firm I am responsible for designing walkers for hospital patients and the elderly. I use a computer program to help me design walkers that are both strong and light. It is important for them to be strong enough to support weight but light enough that they can easily be carried.

After creating designs on the computer I use a 3D printer to print out prototypes of my designs. This gives me a chance to actually use the design. We also send prototypes to hospitals so we can get patient feedback on the design. As an engineer, it's important to find out what the customer would want in their design.

I usually work 50-60 hours a week, but I am payed quite well. I make almost $85,000 a year. My firm covers my health insurance, dental visits, and I get three weeks of vacation every year. This year I plan on visiting Alexandria, Virginia in the fall to see my friend Glenn.

Being a mechanical engineer is stressful. I work hard and often have to work long hours to meet deadlines. The job does pay well, and the vacation time is nice. I hope you have learned a little bit more about being a mechanical engineer. Thank you for your time!"

The PowerPoint

Students will also create a PowerPoint to present along with the speech.

Rule #1 of every 60 Second Speech assignment is DO NOT READ DIRECTLY FROM THE POWERPOINT.

The PowerPoint is meant to be a visual aid for the speech, not the focus of the presentation. Your PowerPoint should include the following slides:


Pro-Tips for Great Slides

  • Bullet points are usually better than sentences.
  • No more than three or four bullet points per slide.
  • Use a LARGE font so the audience can read it.
  • Make sure the BACKGROUND and FONT COLOR contrast. (e.g. dark background with light font OR light background with dark font)
  • No more than one or two pictures per slide.
  • Keep sound effects and crazy transitions/animations to a minimum.

Speech and PowerPoint Rubric

Please click this link for a copy of the rubric. You may need to login to your DCPS account to access the document.

Presentation Dates

  • Presentations will begin the week of September 18, 2017.
  • A specific presentation order will be determined in class. Students will know at least one week before their scheduled presentation date.
  • Students that are absent on their scheduled day will need to make-up their presentation during the next class period.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

[Daily Agenda] Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Microsoft PowerPoint

Essential Questions

  1. What are the characteristics of an effective PowerPoint presentation?
  2. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Prep Work [5-10 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView.
  2. Read your DCPS e-mail.
  3. Race three races on NitroType.
  4. Follow any additional instructions from the teacher.

Today you should:
  1. Complete Meme Monday #01 if you have not already. It will be checked and discussed in class today.
  2. Complete My First E-mail if you have not already.

Instruction [10-20 Minutes]

Students will learn how to complete the TACO Tuesday assignment.

Students will need to create and/or login to their account.

Work [45-60 Minutes]

Finish working on the Student Introduction PowerPoint.

Begin working on CodeAcademy: Learn Git.

Complete TACO Tuesday assignment.

Begin working on Draw Something #20.

Break Down [5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.

Homework to Increase Student Learning

Continue working on any Cornell Notes assignments that are due.

[Assignment] Draw Something #20 - Still Life, Portrait, Landscape

Computers are excellent tools for creating art work. They are useful for editing photographs, drawing, or editing video for example. Most modern operating systems come with some type of drawing or painting program installed. For example, Microsoft Windows comes with Paint. You will use Paint to complete this project. To access Paint:

  1. Click the Magnifying Glass icon in your task bar to open Windows Search.
  2. Type "Paint" without the quotes into the search box.
  3. Paint should be the first application that appears.
  4. Click the icon and the Paint should open up.
The rubric for this assignment is as follows:

    Content Rubric

  1. Your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL is drawn, painted, or otherwise placed in the bottom right corner.[10 Points]
  2. The image is an actual picture such as a still life, landscape, or portrait for example. (10 Points)
  3. The image uses at least four different colors. [10 Points]
  4. Image uses at least three different brush or pencil types. [10 Points]
  5. Image shows obvious investment of time and effort. [10 Points]
  6. Process Rubric

  7. Base file name is: lastname_firstname_drawsomething20 [25 Points]
  8. Assignment is submitted by to Focus by 9/05/2017 at 11:59PM. [25 Points]

Expected Completion Time: 45-60 Minutes

Failure to Complete/Submit

Students that do not complete or submit this project will receive a 20-minute suspension of computer access the next class period after the due date.

Teacher Examples

Coming soon!

[Assignment] TACO [Technology Articles Currently Online] Tuesday


Technology is constantly changing. New technologies are developed to address new problems that exist in the world. The Internet is an excellent resource for finding current articles relating to those new technologies.


You will need to use your Internet search skills to find an article online that relates to the assigned topic.

Carefully READ that article.

Login to Focus and complete the TACO Tuesday assignment.


Current or developing technologies that can prevent damage from hurricanes.

Currently, parts of Texas and Louisiana are being destroyed by the effects of Hurricane Harvey. Approximately 25 years ago Hurricane Andrew ravaged South Florida. Last year, Jacksonville narrowly missed a major hurricane impact. Think about some of the ways the destruction from these storms can be mitigated.

Key Terms

Think of three or four key terms you can use in your search to find your article. You will need to enter these key terms into the assignment on Focus.

Also remember your Boolean Operators to help refine your search.

  1. AND - search for information that has both keywords. Example: "baseball AND homeruns" to find information that discusses baseball and homeruns.
  2. OR - search for information that has one or the other keywords. Example: "recipes beef OR chicken" to find information about recipes that use beef or chicken.
  3. NOT - search for information that does NOT include the keywords. Example: "movie reviews NOT drama" to find information about movie reviews that excludes drama movies.
Please note that these searches are not perfect and may sometimes still return unwanted results. Most of the time they will help reduce the amount of sites returned.

Search Engines

The following are SOME search engines you can use to find your article.

  1. Google
  2. Bing
  3. DuckDuckGo
  4. Lycos
  5. AltaVista