Thursday, February 15, 2018

[Let's Play] Quake III Arena

Source Image:


Gaming and game design is one of the most important standards for ICT-3. Designing high quality games requires that you play games too! For this assignment, students will have some time to play one of the most popular FPS arena-style games of all time: Quake 3.

Quake 3 was originally released in 1999 for the PC. It has since been ported to many other systems. There is a free-to-play version available through the QuakeLive website. Quake 3 was known for fast-paced action, good graphics, network play, and customization. Many mods are available for the game including Capture the Flag and other variants.

Source: Quake III Arena via Wikipedia.

Pre-Play Questions [5 Points]

Please answer the following questions in your journal. Label this assignment "Pre-Play: Quake III Arena". Write in complete sentences.

  1. Who was the lead programmer for Quake III Arena? Who was the lead programmer for Doom II?
  2. Who was the lead designer for Quake III Arena? Who was the lead designer for Doom II?
  3. Who was the lead artist for Quake III Arena? Who was the lead artist for Doom II?
  4. What do you think these two games have in common? What do you think is different about the two games?
  5. Identify at least three technologies used by the Quake 3 III engine. Explain how they affected game play.
  6. Identify and describe at least two game play modes available in Quake III arena.

Playing the Game

Students will play in groups of five at a time. You will play a typical Deathmatch game. Navigate the map collecting weapons and power-ups while you defeat your enemies.

Post-Play Questions [3 Points]

  1. Did you enjoy the game? Why or why not?
  2. Was the game easy to play? Did the controls make sense? Did you understand the point of the game?
  3. What features stood out, good or bad, such as graphics, multiplayer experience, sound, or the challenge?
  4. Would you want to play this game again? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think the content of this game was appropriate for your age group? Why or why not?

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

[Programming] Using Loops


Using a loop statement allows a computer program to repeat steps over and over. It is extremely useful for counting or scanning files for data. For example you might want to scan a document for the word "potato" or "rutabaga". A loop is one way to accomplish this.


For this activity you will write some simple loops using JavaScript. The most common loops are:

  1. while
  2. for
Each loop is used to accomplish different tasks. Generally, they are used to repeat a task many times. You can find more information about using loops by clicking this link.

Content Rubric

Your program will include three loops total:

  • TWO while loops.
  • One for loop.

while loop #1 Rubric

  1. Create a variable named loopCount and assign it a value of 0. [2 Points]
  2. Create a while loop that executes as long as loopCount is less than 10,000. [2 Points]
  3. Inside the while loop use console.log to print "Do you know the way?" on the console. [2 Points]
  4. Increment the loopCount variable by 1 each time through the loop. [2 Points]
  5. When the loop exits use console.log to print "I hope you know the way." on the console. [2 Points]

while loop #2 Rubric

  1. Create a while loop that executes as long as loopCount is greater than 0. [2 Points]
  2. Inside the while loop use console.log to print "Yes, Knuckles, I know the way!" on the console. [2 Points]
  3. Decrement the loopCount variable by 1 each time through the loop. [2 Points]
  4. When the loop exits use console.log to print "Stop asking me Knuckles!" on the console. [2 Points]

for loop Rubric

  1. Statement 1 of the loop creates a variable named numberCount and assigns it a value of 0. [2 Points]
  2. Statement 2 of the loop checks to see if numberCount is less than or equal to 10,000. [2 Points]
  3. Statement 3 increases the value of numberCount by 2 each time through the loop. [2 Points]
  4. Each time through the loop, use console.log to print "The number count is currently equal to" + numberCount [2 Points]

Process Rubirc

  1. Program is written using JavaScript. [5 Points]
  2. File Name is: lastname_firstname_using_loops [5 Points]
  3. File Format is JavaScript (.js) [5 Points]
  4. File is submitted to Focus by 02/23/18 at 11:59PM. [15 Points]