Monday, March 2, 2020

[Assignment] Audio Challenge #02: Super: Hero or Villain?


For this audio challenge you will take on the role of a Super Hero or Super Villain. You have taken over control of Earth's broadcast systems. You will have 30-60 seconds to tell all of the people of the Earth how you plan as either the hero or villain of the story.

You recordings should be fun in nature. Please do not discuss graphic violence in your project. Even if you are a villain, please do not be offensive or derogatory.

Content Rubric

  1. Introduce yourself using your Super Hero/Villain name. [5 Points]
  2. Explain your plan to as either hero or villain. [5 Points]
  3. Uses at least two different effects in your project. [2.5 Points Each / 5 Total]
  4. Metadata is completed:
    • Artist Name: Your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL. [3.33 Points]
    • Track Title: Super Hero or Super Villain [3.33 Points]
    • Year: 2020 [3.33 Points]

Process Rubric

  1. File name is lastname_firstname_audio_challenge2 [5 Points]
  2. File type is MPEG Layer-3 (.mp3) [5 Points]
  3. File is submitted to Focus by 03/06/2020 at 11:59PM. [20 Points]