Thursday, January 5, 2017

[Assignment] Go Fish! Rubric

Content Rubric

  • Code "introduces" itself. [25 Points]
  • Code asks for and refers to the human user by name. [25 Points]
  • Code displays the rules of the game. [25 Points]
  • Code correctly recreates a full 52 card deck. [25 Points]
  • Code correctly shuffles the 52 card deck. [25 Points]
  • Code determines the starting player. [25 Points]
  • Code correctly deals a starting hand to each player. [25 Points]
  • Code correctly asks for, gives, and takes cards as necessary. [25 Points]
  • Code will correctly "Go Fish!" when necessary. [25 Points]
  • Code correctly matches books and removes them from player hand. [25 Points]
  • Code correctly ends the game when all books have been scored. [25 Points]
  • Process Rubric

    • File Name: lastinitial_firstname_go-fish_final [50 Points]
    • Groups: lastinitial_firstname_lastinitial_firstname_go-fish_final [50 Points]
    • File Type: Python (.py) [50 Points]
    • Code executes correctly with no "run-time" errors. [100 Points]
    • Submitted to Focus by 11:59PM on 01/12/2016. [50 Points]

    [Assignment] StarCraft Map Rubric

    Content Rubric

    • Scenario has a name. [25 Points]
    • Scenario has a description. [25 Points]
    • Scenario contains at least one mission briefing. [25 Points]
    • Scenario depicts an actual historical battle. [50 Points]
    • Scenario contains triggers for victory/defeat for each side. [25 Points]

    Process Rubric

    • File Name: lastname_firstname_battlename [25 Points]
    • File Type: StarCraft Scenario Map (.scm) [25 Points]
    • Scenario loads and plays correctly in the game. [50 Points]
    • File is submitted prior to 11:59PM on 01/12/2016. [50 Points]