Monday, February 17, 2020

[Audio] Audacity Project #00: Poetry or Prose


Creating audio projects is another useful function computers can perform. They allow users to record, edit, and playback various types of audio files. Most of these tasks can be performed quickly and easily with different input devices, software, and output devices. In class, we will use microphones and the Audacity software for our first project.

Students will record themselves reciting their favorite piece of poetry or prose. It can be the work of another author or written by the student.

Content Rubric

  1. Student recites and records a work of poetry or prose. [10 Points]
  2. Recording is at least 30 seconds but less than than 600 seconds. [25 Points]
  3. Metadata is completed:
    • Artist Name: Your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL. [5 Points]
    • Track Title: The name of the poem or prose piece. [5 Points]
    • Year: 2020 [5 Points]

Process Rubric

  1. File name is lastname_firstname_audio_challenge00 [10 Points]
  2. File type is Ogg Vorbis (.ogg) or MPEG Layer-3 (.mp3) [10 Points]
  3. File is submitted to Focus by 02/28/20200 at 11:59PM. [25 Points]
