Thursday, January 30, 2020

[Digital Art] Photoshop Battle #03: Movie Poster

Background Info.

Movie posters are a popular form of advertising. They are designed to catch the interest of potential movie watchers at the theater. The posters usually include graphics or images related to the movie, the movie title, and a list of the important people that worked on the movie: directors, producers, and actors and actresses.

For this Photoshop Battle assignment, you will create a NEW poster for your favorite movie. You are free to use all of the tools at your disposal to make a great poster.

Remember, the poster is meant to CATCH YOUR EYE and make you want to see the movie!

Content Rubric

  • FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL in the bottom right corner. [5 Points]
  • Includes the MOVIE TITLE. [5 Points]
  • Includes the DIRECTOR and LEADING ACTORS/ACTRESSES. [5 Points]
  • Demonstrate investment of time and effort. (Subjective) [10 Points]

Process Rubric

  • File name is lastname_firstname_photoshop_battle03 [5 Points]
  • File format is Portable Network Graphics (.png)5 Points]
  • All images used to create your poster submitted as a COMPRESSED FOLDER (.zip file). [10 Points]
  • Submitted to Focus no later than 02/07/2020 at 11:59PM. [20 Points]

Estimated Time for Completion: 2 Class Periods

Failure to Complete

Original Examples