Sunday, August 11, 2019

[Assignment] My First E-Mail

Electronic mail, also known as e-mail, is still one of the most popular uses of the Internet. It is used for personal and business communications every day. Knowing the proper way to use e-mail for each situation is important. When e-mailing your teacher or guidance counselor you should be more formal than e-mailing your best friend.

This assignment will help you practice correct e-mail procedures for this class.

Please watch the following video. It provides some quick and easy tips for e-mailing your teacher.

To access your e-mail, you must login to OneView and open Outlook. If you do not know how to access OneView yet please ask a classmate for help first. If they cannot help you then please take a tech support ticket.


The following screenshots will help you complete this assignment. CLICK THEM TO ENLARGE EACH SCREENSHOT.

Content Rubric

  • E-mail Subject is: "First E-mail Assignment [1]". [5 Points]
    • Students in 1st period would write "First E-mail Assignment [1]"
    • Students in 2nd period would write "First E-mail Assignment [2]"
    • Students in 3rd period would write "First E-mail Assignment [3]"
    • Students in 4th period would write "First E-mail Assignment [4]"
    • Students in 5th period would write "First E-mail Assignment [5]"
    • Students in 6th period would write "First E-mail Assignment [6]"
    • Students in 7th period would write "First E-mail Assignment [7]"
  • E-mail contains an appropriate greeting or salutation. [5 Points]
    • Example: "Good Morning Mr. Kelley," or "Hello Mr. Kelley,"
  • E-mail contains one paragraph [4-7 sentences] that introduces yourself to Mr. Kelley. Tell me about you as a student and person.
  • E-mail contains an appropriate closing. [5 Points]
    • Example: "Sincerely, " or "Thank you, "
    • E-mail is signed with your FULL NAME.
  • E-mail is free from grammar and spelling errors. [5 Points]

  • Process Rubric

    • E-mail is sent by Due Date: Monday, August 19th, 2019 by 11:59PM. [10 Points]

    Example E-mail

    Please check your school e-mail for an example for this assignment.