Tuesday, October 1, 2019

[Daily Agenda] Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Clock-In PIN


If you miss the clock-in or clock-out it will be marked zero. If your computer is experiencing technical difficulties you must show the teacher BEFORE the clock-in window closes.


  1. ICT-3.17.03: Define aesthetic design, and explain how aesthetics can affect a visitors’ perception of a website’s information.
  2. ICT-3.17.04: Demonstrate knowledge of color wheel concepts and effective use of color on a website.


Web Design and Development


Students will develop a visually appealing website layout that uses contrast effectively.

Essential Questions

  1. What is the inverted pyramid model of web page design?
  2. How does the concept of contrast apply to web page design?
  3. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView and Focus.
  2. Open Outlook and OneNote.
  3. Clock-in on Focus.
  4. Check your e-mail for important information.
  5. Follow any special instructions on the board.

Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]

Students will complete the Digital Discoveries baseline test.

Students can create a Class Blog Logo for extra credit.

Students will discuss the requirements for the Let's Play: Super Mario Bros. assignment.

Current Nine Weeks Assignments [~12-25 Minutes]

Codecademy.com Introduction to HTML is now past-due.

  • Past-Due: Friday, September 27, 2019 for partial-credit.

Complete the My Favorite Noun web design project.

  • Due Date: September 30, 2019 by 11:59PM.

Complete the Photoshop Battle #00: Athletes with Instruments. Due Date: Submit to Focus by 10/04/2019 at 11:59PM.

Complete the Let's Play: Super Mario Bros..

Future Nine Weeks Assignments

The assignments listed here are assignments that are due later in the year.

  • Students are always free to work ahead and submit them.
  • For projects that require a file upload, you will need to change the Nine Weeks in the top right corner of Focus.
  • If you are working on a future assignment and get stuck, you must wait until I can help students with current projects first.

  1. Photoshop Battle #01: Animals.
    • Due Date: November 07, 2019. [2nd Quarter]
  2. Learn Python 2.
    • Due Date: December 13, 2019. Points Value: 200. [2nd Quarter]

Break Down [~5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.


Finish any class work not completed during the period.

Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.