Sunday, November 4, 2018

[In Your Journal] Vocab-Shmocab #03: Protecting Your Identity

The following vocabulary terms are important to understand cyber security and Internet privacy.

  1. If you are given the VOCABULARY TERM you must find the DEFINITION.
  2. If you are given the DEFINITION you must find the VOCABULARY TERM.
  3. You must have the TERM and DEFINITION written down for full credit.

  1. ________: preventing a person or company from sending you messages and/or viewing your online profile.
  2. Digital Footprint:
  3. Dossier:
  4. Online Predator:
  5. ______ _______: an Internet representation of a person's identity or persona, such as those found on social media sites.
  6. Privacy:
  7. _______ _________: options for controlling who or what is able to access your information on sites such as social media or online game.
  8. ____: a situation involving exposure to danger.
  9. Social Network:
  10. ______: a person whom one does not know or is not familiar.

Content Rubric

  • Each completed vocabulary term and definition is worth 1 point.

Process Rubric

  • Submitted by the end of class Monday, November 05, 2018. [5 Points]