Thursday, August 23, 2018

[Digital Art] Draw Something 20: Freestyle

Background Info.

For this Draw Something, students are free to create an image of anything you choose. Programs you can use for this project are:

  2. Krita
  3. Adobe Photoshop

Content Rubric

  • FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL only placed in bottom right corner. [5 Points]
  • Demonstrates significant investment of time and effort. (Subjective) [10 Points]

Process Rubric

  • File name is lastname_firstname_drawsomething20 [5 Points]
  • File format is Portable Network Graphics (.png), JPEG (.jpg),, or Adobe Photoshop (.psd) [5 Points]
  • Submitted to Focus OR shared via OneDrive no later than 09/07/2018 at 11:59PM. [10 Points]

Estimated Time for Completion: 2 Class Periods [60-90 Minutes]