Monday, March 26, 2018

[Let's Play] Text Based Games: Multi-User Dungeons

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Gaming and game design is one of the most important standards for ICT-3. Designing high quality games requires that you play games too! For this assignment, students will explore an example of one of the earliest types of computer games: text-based games. In this example, students will enter a Multi-User Dungeon also known as a MUD.

A MUD is a networked game server that creates a fantasy or sci-fi world for players to explore. The players interact with the world through typed commands such as "look river", "attack goblin", or "cast fireball" for example. While not as popular today as they once were in the 80's and 90's, many MUDs still have strong player support.

The MUD students will play in class is based on tbaMUD which is a version of CircleMUD.

Pre-Play Questions [5 Points]

Please answer the following questions in your journal. Label this assignment "Pre-Play: MUDs". Write in complete sentences.

  1. What are some of the features of MUDs?
  2. Identify at least five of the basic commands necessary for interacting with a MUD.
  3. What modern style of game is similar to a MUD with graphics and sound?
  4. Do you think you will enjoy this type of game? Why or why not?

Helpful Links

  1. Information on MUDs.

Playing the Game

Students will receive instructions on logging into the game server. Students will then create a character name and choose their class: warrior, cleric, magic user, or thief. Once chosen, you will be logged in to the main city in the world. From there, you are free to explore.

Post-Play Questions [5 Points]

  1. Did you enjoy the game? Why or why not?
  2. Was the game easy to play? Did the controls make sense? Did you understand the point of the game?
  3. What features stood out, good or bad, such as graphics, multiplayer experience, sound, or the challenge?
  4. Would you want to play this game again? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think the content of this game was appropriate for your age group? Why or why not?