Thursday, October 18, 2018

[Assignment] Philosophical Chairs #01


The U.S. government should be allowed to monitor citizen's phone calls, e-mails, and web browsing without a warrant.

The topic for a Philosophical Chairs activity is always a statement. Participants in the activity begin by choosing one of three viewpoints on this topic:

  1. I agree, because...
  2. I disagree, because...
  3. I am undecided, because...


Students will need to research some information before discussing the topic in class. There are some articles and readings provided for you. You will also need to find your own information.

Readings / Articles

The 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In your own words, write a short 1-2 sentence explanation of the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The Patriot Act: Key Controversies.

Here is the Pro-NSA Surveillance Argument.

You need to find one additional article to read and summarize.

Once you have read both articles you will write a one paragraph summary for each article. Answer at least the following:

  1. Describe the most important person, place, or thing in this article.
  2. What was the main idea of this article?
  3. What is one question you would ask the author of this article?

Due Dates

Your summaries are due by October 25, 2018 at the end of class.

The discussions will take place in small groups starting the week of October 29, 2018.


Please click this link to access a copy of the Philosophical Chairs rules. Read them at least once before we begin the activities.

Video Example

Here is an example of a philosophical chairs activity from the Oxford School District. This provides students that have never participated in this activity a visual example of how it works and what the expectations are during the activity.