Thursday, September 28, 2017

[Daily Agenda] Thursday, September 28, 2017


Key Terms for ICT-3 Class

GitHub and Git

Essential Questions

  1. What does Mr. Kelley expect when he asks students to describe, identify, or explain?
  2. How do I successfully setup my GitHub software?
  3. What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?

Prep Work [5-10 Minutes]

Every day you should:

  1. Login to DCPS OneView.
  2. Read your DCPS e-mail.
  3. Race three races on NitroType.
  4. Follow any additional instructions from the teacher.

Today you should:
  1. Read through the directions for Vocab-Shmocab #1 and Vocab-Shmocab #2.

Instruction [10-20 Minutes]

Students will learn how to access the GitHub desktop software.

Students will create their first GitHub repository and practice using git commands.

Install the GitHub Desktop Software on your computer.

If necessary download Notepad++ from PortableApps.

Work [45-60 Minutes]

Continue working on 60 Second Speech #1.

Complete Vocab-Schmocab #1 and Vocab-Shmocab #2. They are now late if you have not already submitted them.

Begin working on CodeAcademy: Learn HTML. It is due by Friday, September 29, 2017.

Begin working on CodeAcademy: Learn CSS. It is due by Friday, October 06, 2017.

Break Down [5 Minutes]

Before you leave please do the following::

  1. BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
  2. RESTART the computer.
  3. TURN OFF the monitor.
  4. COLLECT your materials.
  5. WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
  6. PUSH in your chair when you leave.
  7. THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.

Homework to Increase Student Learning

Study for the Syllabus and Champs quiz on Thursday!