Friday, February 24, 2017

[Assignment] Camera Movements


In addition to the various types of camera shots you have learned there are also some industry standard camera movements. These camera movements can add visual appeal to the video. When shooting your final video project you will want to use some of these camera movements combined with different shot types to make the best video you can.

The camera movement types are described at the bottom of the page on this website.


For the camera movement types you need to write the following information in your journal:

  1. Name of Camera Movement
  2. Short Description of the Movement
  3. A Sketch of what that camera movement would look like. (You can use arrows for most of them to display the directions of movement.)
Everyone needs to find information for these movements:
  1. Pan
  2. Zoom
  3. Tilt
Students must also find information on three additional camera movements for a total of six.

This assignment is due at the start of the next class period.