Tuesday, November 8, 2016

[Game Design] Intro. to Real-Time Strategy Games


Real time strategy (abbreviated RTS) is one of the most popular genres of computer games. Many of them such as StarCraft II and League of Legends have professional gaming leagues built around them. Players can compete for fame and prizes. Some of these players compete full-time as their career.

StarCraft is one of the all-time most popular and critically acclaimed RTS games. We will use StarCraft in class as our demonstration game. First, students must have an understanding of the basic idea of almost all RTS games.

Background Information

Students will need to conduct some research to find some information about RTS games. Your search engine skills will be quite helpful. Students need to complete the following:

  1. Identify at least two other RTS games besides the StarCraft series.
  2. Explain the basic game play features of RTS games.

Play It!

Students will have an opportunity to play the game in class as well as use the Campaign Editor (map making software).

If you are new to StarCraft please read this beginner's guide to learn some of the basic strategy.

Make It!

Students will use the StarCraft Campaign Editor to recreate a famous battle from history. You could re-create the D-Day Landing, the Battle of Gettysburg, or the Battle of Hastings for example.

Students will work alone for this project! After researching your battle and creating your map you will make a short in-class presentation.

Presentation Content Rubric

You will need to find the following information your presentation about the battle:

  1. Date of the battle. [10 Points]
  2. Participants of the battle. [10 Points]
  3. Reason for the battle. [10 Points]
  4. Casualties from the battle. [10 Points]
  5. Outcome of the battle. [10 Points]
Your presentation should take approximately 90 seconds. The process rubric for the presentation will be posted later.

Map Content Rubric

You will need to research actual maps and photographs of the battle to recreate your map.

  1. Accurately recreate the geography of the battle. [50 Points]
  2. Accurately recreate the forces involved in the battle. [50 Points]
    • The game software limits the number of units in the game. You may need to use units to scale. For example, 1 unit in the game represents 100 actual units from the battle.
  3. Map will successfully load and play in the game. [50 Points]

Map Process Rubric

  1. File name is lastname_firstname_nameofbattle [25 Points]
  2. File type is StarCraft Scenario Maker (.scm) [25 Points]
  3. Map is submitted to Focus by December 09, 2016, at 11:59PM. [25 Points]
  4. Maps submitted BEFORE 11/25/2016 will receive +25 points.