Tuesday, August 29, 2017

[Assignment] TACO [Technology Articles Currently Online] Tuesday


Technology is constantly changing. New technologies are developed to address new problems that exist in the world. The Internet is an excellent resource for finding current articles relating to those new technologies.


You will need to use your Internet search skills to find an article online that relates to the assigned topic.

Carefully READ that article.

Login to Focus and complete the TACO Tuesday assignment.


Current or developing technologies that can prevent damage from hurricanes.

Currently, parts of Texas and Louisiana are being destroyed by the effects of Hurricane Harvey. Approximately 25 years ago Hurricane Andrew ravaged South Florida. Last year, Jacksonville narrowly missed a major hurricane impact. Think about some of the ways the destruction from these storms can be mitigated.

Key Terms

Think of three or four key terms you can use in your search to find your article. You will need to enter these key terms into the assignment on Focus.

Also remember your Boolean Operators to help refine your search.

  1. AND - search for information that has both keywords. Example: "baseball AND homeruns" to find information that discusses baseball and homeruns.
  2. OR - search for information that has one or the other keywords. Example: "recipes beef OR chicken" to find information about recipes that use beef or chicken.
  3. NOT - search for information that does NOT include the keywords. Example: "movie reviews NOT drama" to find information about movie reviews that excludes drama movies.
Please note that these searches are not perfect and may sometimes still return unwanted results. Most of the time they will help reduce the amount of sites returned.

Search Engines

The following are SOME search engines you can use to find your article.

  1. Google
  2. Bing
  3. DuckDuckGo
  4. Lycos
  5. AltaVista